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Novel therapies for depression
Past, present & future of Anti-Hypertensive Medications by Prof. Dr. Dilip Kumar Dhar sir.
Managing Chronic Neuropathic Pain: Recent Advances & New Challenges Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hasan Tarik
Latest Updated Info on Chikungunya | Prof. Dr. Khan Abul Kalam Azad
Untold facts on Rheumatology || Prof. Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam | Professor of Rheumatology, BSMMU
ডেংগুজ্বর ও এর করণীয় | Prof. Dr. Titu Mia, Professor of Medicine, DMCH
জন্ডিস : কারন ও প্রতিকার। Prof. Dr. Touhidul Karim Majumder
Irritable Bowel Syndrome | Dr. Faruk Ahmed | Professor, Dept. of Gastroenterology, DMCH
Approach to Shock |1st Ever Virtual Chalk-Talk Class by Professor Dr Robed Amin, Medicine Specialist
Masterclass on Antivirals for Covid-19 I By Professor Robed Amin I Arranged by PAXOVIR of Eskayef
Hybrid CME on Antivirals for Covid 19 full event 5 Feb 2022
General Principles of Pharmacology (Lecture 1)I Prof Selim Jahangir I By BD Physician & Esoral MUPS