

Type:15gm tube

Generic Name:Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

Manufacturer:Pharmasia Ltd.




Oropharyngeal candidiasis, Oral thrush, Denture stomatitis, Fungal infections of the mouth, Throat and gut, Angular cheilitis, Dermatomycoses, Tinea pedis, Tinea corporis, Tinea cruris, Tinea versicolor


Apply on oral lesions and retain in the mouth as long as possible before swallowing. For localised lesions of the mouth, a small amount of gel may be applied directly to the affected area with a clean finger.

Adult Dose

Mouth/Throat Oropharyngeal candidiasis, Intestinal candidiasis Adult: The usual dose is 15 mg/kg/day in divided doses. One or two tea spoonfuls (5-10 ml) of gel four times daily. Continue treatment for at least 1 wk after symptoms have disappeared. Localised lesions of mouth: Smear small amount on affected area with clean finger 4 times daily for 5-7 days.

Child Dose

Mouth/Throat Oropharyngeal candidiasis Children aged 6 years and over: One tea-spoonful (5 ml) of gel four times daily. Children aged 2-6 years: One tea-spoonful (5 ml) of gel twice daily. Infants under 2 years: Half tea-spoonful (2.5 ml) of gel twice daily. Continue treatment for at least 1 wk after symptoms have disappeared. Localised lesions of mouth: Smear small amount on affected area with clean finger 4 times daily for 5-7 days.


Miconazole Oral Gel is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to any of its components and in patients with liver dysfunction.

Mode of Action

Miconazole inhibits ergosterol synthesis thus damaging fungal cell wall membrane and increases its permeability, allowing leakage of nutrients.


Caution is required particularly in infants & young children to ensure that the gel does not obstruct the throat. Lactation: Unknown whether distributed in breast milk, caution advised

Side Effect

1-10% Diarrhea (6%),Nausea (4.6%),Headache (5%),Dysgeusia (2.9%),Upper abdominal pain (2.5%),Vomiting (2.5%)


May increase anticoagulant effect of warfarin. May increase or prolong the effect of the following drugs: Oral hypoglycaemics (e.g. sulfonylureas), phenytoin, HIV protease inhibitors (e.g. saquinavir), antineoplastic agents (e.g. vinca alkaloids, busulfan, docetaxel), Ca channel blockers (e.g. dihydropyridines, verapamil), immunosuppressive agents (e.g. ciclosporin, tacrolimus, sirolimus), carbamazepine, cilostazol, buspirone, disopyramide, alfentanil, sildenafil, alprazolam, brotizolam, midazolam IV, rifabutin, methylprednisolone, trimetrexate, ebastine and reboxetine. Potentially Fatal: Increased risk of cardiac arrhythmia w/ astemizole, cisapride, dofetilide, halofantrine, mizolastine, pimozide, quinidine, sertindole, terfenadine. May increase exposure to ergot alkaloids leading to ergotism. May increase the risk of rhabdomyolysis w/ HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (e.g. simvastatin and lovastatin). May increase the effect of triazolam and oral midazolam.

Alternative brand of Myco-OG

Orogurd Oral GelOrogurd Oral Gel

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  • Oral Gel
  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

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  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

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The Ibn Sina Pharmaceutical Ind. Ltd.


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  • Oral Gel
  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

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Aristopharma Limited

Miral GelMiral Gel

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  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

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Everest Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Fungimin Oral GelFungimin Oral Gel

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  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

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Kumudini Pharma Ltd.


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  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

Price: ৳55.00

Unimed Unihealth Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Micoderm GelMicoderm Gel

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  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

Price: ৳60.00

Drug International Ltd.

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  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

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Square Pharmaceuticals PLC.

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  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

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ACI Limited


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Price: ৳60.00

NIPRO JMI Pharma Limited

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  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

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ACI Limited


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Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


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  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

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The ACME Laboratories Ltd.


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  • Oral Gel
  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

Price: ৳50.00

Medicon Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


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  • Oral Gel
  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

Price: ৳60.00

Pacific Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


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  • Oral Gel
  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

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General Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


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  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

Price: ৳60.00

Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Micosina Oral GelMicosina Oral Gel

  • 2%
  • Gel
  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

Price: ৳60.00

The Ibn Sina Pharmaceutical Ind. Ltd.


  • 2%
  • Oral Gel
  • Miconazole 2% Oral Gel

Price: ৳50.00

Novo Healthcare and Pharma Ltd.