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Sleisenger and Fordtran’

The tenth edition of Sleisenger and Fordtran’s Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease: Pathophysiology/Diagnosis/Management continues as the benchmark textbook of gastroenterology and hepatology. I

F. Charles Brunicardi, MD, FACS

The Editors would like to thank the following authors of the previous edition (9th) for their contributions

Robert M. Kliegman, MD

In the United States, 61% of all children younger than 5 yr—12.5 million children—were in regular childcare in 2011.

T.W. Sadlar

E very student will be affected by pregnancy, either their mother’s, since what happens in the womb does not, necessarily, stay in the womb, or by someone else’s.

Gretchen M. Lentz, MD

In the 25 years since the first edition of Comprehensive Gynecology, many scientific advances have occurred in medical practice

Benjamin James Sadock, M.D.

This textbook evolved from our experience editing the Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry