

Type:25 Tablets

Generic Name:Chlorambucil





Lymphocytic leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Waldenstrm macroglobulinemia, polycythemia vera, trophoblastic neoplasms, ovarian carcinoma, nephrotic syndrome, Hodgkin's disease


Should be taken on an empty stomach. Take on an empty stomach. Ensure adequate hydration. Swallow whole, do not chew/crush.

Adult Dose

Chronic Lymphatic (Lymphocytic) Leukemia 0.1 mg/kg/day for 3-6 weeks or 0.4 mg/kg (increased by 0.1 mg/kg/dose until response/toxicity observed) biweekly or 0.4 mg/kg (increased by 0.1 mg/kg/dose until response observed) monthly or 0.03-0.1 mg/kg/day continuously Reduce initial dose if administered within 4 weeks after a full course of radiation/myelosuppressive therapy or patients with bone marrow disease Not to exceed 0.1 mg/kg/day if bone marrow infiltrated with lymphocytes Hodgkin's Lymphoma 0.2 mg/kg/day for 3-6 weeks or 0.4 mg/kg (increased by 0.1 mg/kg/dose until response/toxicity observed) biweekly or 0.4 mg/kg (increased by 0.1 mg/kg/dose until response or toxicity observed) monthly or 0.03-0.1 mg/kg/day continuously Reduce initial dose if administered within 4 weeks after a full course of radiation/myelosuppressive therapy or patients with bone marrow disease Not to exceed 0.1 mg/kg/day if bone marrow infiltrated with lymphocytes Hepatic Impairment Primarily metabolized in liver; dose reduction may be required

Renal Dose

Renal Impairment <1% (including metabolites) excreted in urine; no dose adjustment required


Hypersensitivity. Pregnancy and lactation. Porphyria.

Mode of Action

Chlorambucil interferes with DNA replication and RNA transcription by alkylation and cross-linking cellular DNA strands, thus leading to disruption of the nucleic acid function.


Renal or hepatic dysfunction. Perform blood counts regularly. Seizure disorder, bone marrow suppression. Patient who has received radiation therapy, myelosuppressive drugs or has a depressed baseline leukocyte/platelet count within the previous 4 wk. Increased incidence of acute leukaemias and other secondary malignancies. Lactation: not known if excreted in breast milk; do not nurse

Side Effect

>10% Neutropenia (25-33%),Anemia,Leukopenia,Thrombocytopenia Frequency Not Defined Seizures,Hallucinations,Peripheral neuropathy,Nausea,Vomiting,Pulmonary fibrosis,GI effects,Leukemia,Myelosuppression,Hyperuricemia,Infertility,Hepatotoxicity & jaundice,Type I hypersensitivity,Rash,Stevens-Johnson syndrome (rare),Toxic epidermal necrosis (rare),Urticaria,Erythema multiforme (rare),Secondary malignancies Potentially Fatal: Severe bone marrow suppression, carcinogenic and human infertility.

Pregnancy Category Note

Pregnancy Category: D Lactation: not known if excreted in breast milk; do not nurse


Impairs immune response to vaccines, possible infection after admin of live vaccines.

Alternative brand of Leukeran