Bundural LA 12 Lac

Bundural LA 12 Lac12LacUnit


Generic Name:Benzathine Penicillin

Manufacturer:Gaco Pharmaceuticals(G.A Company Ltd)




Anthrax, Group A Strep. infections, Neurosyphilis, Fusobacterium infections, Diphtheria, Erysipeloid, Uncomplicated pneumococcal pneumonia, Rat bite fever, Rheumatic fever, Syphilis, Streptococcal pharyngitis

Adult Dose

Adult: IM: 0.3 to 1.2 million units up to 2.4 million units as a single dose repeated every five to seven days. Specific dosage schedule: Treatment of group-A beta-haemolytic streptococcal infections: A single intramuscular dose of 600,000 units. Prevention of rheumatic fever: Monthly injection of a single dose of 1.2 million units is the most effective regimen for preventing further attacks of rheumatic fever. Treatment of acute otitis media: A single injection of 600,000 units. Treatment of syphilis: Early syphilis- 2.4 million units as a single dose. Late syphilis- 2.4 million units weekly for three successive weeks. Neurosyphilis- Benzylpenicillin, intravenously, 2 to 4 million units every 4 hours for 10 days, followed by benzathine penicillin intramuscularly, 2.4 million units weekly for three successive weeks. Congenital syphilis: Asymptomatic infants with normal cerebrospinal fluid, intramuscularly 50,000 units per kg in a single dose. Primary and secondary syphilis have been treated with single injections of 2.4 million units of long acting benzathine penicillin (Benzapen) weekly for 2 to 4 weeks with satisfactory results.

Child Dose

Child: IM 50,000 U/kg for newborns and infants, Child: IM 50,000 U/kg for newborns and infants, children <60 lb: 300,000–600,000 U, children >60 lb: 900,000 U 1 dose for treatment


Hypersensitivity to penicillins or cephalosporins. IM inj (ischaemic reactions may occur).

Mode of Action

Benzathine benzylpenicillin has the same antimicrobial action as benzylpenicillin which exerts its bactericidal action on growing and dividing bacteria by inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis. IM admin results in a prolonged effect, but because of its relatively low blood concentrations, its use should be restricted to microorganisms that are highly susceptible to it.


Very high doses in poor renal function (risk of neurotoxicity) or heart failure. Avoid contact, skin sensitization may occur. Monitor serum potassium concentration, renal and haematological status. Spirochete infections particularly syphilis; suprainfection with penicillin-resistant organisms with prolonged use; avoid intrathecal route. Lactation: Excreted into breast milk, caution advised

Side Effect

Hypersensitivity reactions including uticaria; fever; joint pains; rashes; angioedema; serum sickness-like reactions; haemolytic anaemia; interstitial nephritis; neutropenia; thrombocytopenia; CNS toxicity including convulsions; diarrhoea; antibiotic-associated colitis. Potentially Fatal: Anaphylaxis

Pregnancy Category Note

Pregnancy Category: B Lactation: Excreted into breast milk, caution advised


Probenecid prolongs T1/2 of benzathine benzylpenicillin. Bacteriostatic drugs e.g. chloramphenicol, tetracyclines; other antibacterials; anticoagulants.

Alternative brand of Bundural LA 12 Lac

B PenB Pen

  • 6LacUnit
  • Injection
  • Benzathine Penicillin

Price: ৳17.57

Opsonin Pharma Limited

Benzapen 12 LacBenzapen 12 Lac

  • 12LacUnit
  • Injection
  • Benzathine Penicillin

Price: ৳30.00

Square Pharmaceuticals PLC.

Lapen 6 LacLapen 6 Lac

  • 6LacUnit
  • Injection
  • Benzathine Penicillin

Price: ৳14.60

Jayson Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

G Benzathine PenicilG Benzathine Penicil

  • 12LacUnit
  • Injection
  • Benzathine Penicillin

Price: ৳22.00

Gonoshasthaya Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

B PenB Pen

  • 12LacUnit
  • Injection
  • Benzathine Penicillin

Price: ৳24.24

Opsonin Pharma Limited

Bundural 6 LacBundural 6 Lac

  • 6LacUnit
  • Injection
  • Benzathine Penicillin

Price: ৳0.00

Gaco Pharmaceuticals(G.A Company Ltd)

G Benzathine PenicilG Benzathine Penicil

  • 6LacUnit
  • Injection
  • Benzathine Penicillin

Price: ৳15.00

Gonoshasthaya Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Lapen 12 LacLapen 12 Lac

  • 12LacUnit
  • Injection
  • Benzathine Penicillin

Price: ৳20.11

Jayson Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Diamine PenicillinDiamine Penicillin

  • 12LacUnit
  • Injection
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Renata Limited