

Type:5ml drop

Generic Name:Cyclopentolate Hydrochloride 1% Eye prep

Manufacturer:Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd.




Pediatric eye examinations, Mydriasis, Cycloplegia, Uveitis, Iritis

Adult Dose

Ophthalmic Mydriasis and cycloplegia for diagnosis Adult: Instill 1-2 drops into the affected eye/s repeated after 5-15 minutes.

Child Dose

Ophthalmic Mydriasis and cycloplegia for diagnosis Child: Instill 1-2 drops of a 1% solution repeated after 5-15 minutes. Infants ?3 mth: Not recommended.


Children under 3 months of age, Glaucoma, or people with a tendency to glaucoma because of a shallow anterior chamber, Conditions where the gut is not functioning properly, resulting in an obstruction in the bowel (paralytic ileus), Children with organic brain syndromes, including congenital or neuro-developmental abnormalities such as epilepsy. This medicine should not be used if history of allergies to one or any of its ingredients.

Mode of Action

Cyclopentolate is an anticholinergic. It produces dilatation of the pupil and paralysis of accommodation. Has a shorter duration of action than atropine.


This medicine is for use in the eyes only and must not be taken by mouth. These eye drops can cause blurred vision, difficulty focusing and sensitivity to light. The effects can last for up to 24 hours. You must not drive or take part in hazardous activities unless you can see clearly. You should not wear soft contact lenses during treatment with these eye drops. This is because they contain a preservative called benzalkonium chloride, which can be absorbed by soft contact lenses and cause eye irritation. Lactation: Excretion in milk unknown; use with caution

Side Effect

Blurred vision,Burning sensation in eye,Light intolerance,Tachycardia,Conjunctivitis,Raised intraocular pressure,Hyperreactive response in Down's syndrome children (atropine),Drowsiness

Pregnancy Category Note

Pregnancy Category: C Lactation: Excretion in milk unknown; use with caution


Plasma concentration may be increased with the use of cimetidine, diltiazem, disulfiram, methylphenidate, ritonavir, and verapamil. Side-effects are increased by adrenaline, amiodarone, general anesthetics, SSRIs, antihistamines, antimuscarinics, antipsychotics, anxiolytics and hypnotics, clozapine, disopyramide, diuretics, flecainide, MAOIs, moclobemide, moxifloxacin, nefopam, nicorandil, noradrenaline, phenothiazine, pimozide, procainamide, propafenone, quinidine, selegiline, sibutramine, sotalol, terfenadine, thioridazine, and tramadol. Effects of adrenergic neurone blockers, clonidine, barbiturates, nitrates, and primidone are reduced while effects of baclofen, opioid analgesics, and thyroid hormones are enhanced with concomitant use of cyclobenzaprine. Carbamazepine and rifampicin may increase metabolism of cyclobenzaprine. Effects may be antagonized by oestrogens. Avoid use with brimonidine, entacapone, artemether with lumefantrine, or sibutramine. CNS effects may be enhanced by other CNS depressants.

Alternative brand of Mydrate