Generic Name:Methyl Ergometrine Maleate
Manufacturer:Chemist Laboratories Ltd.
Migraine, Miscarriage, Uterine hemorrhage, Spontaneous or elective abortion, Uterine atony, Second stage of labor
Oral: Prophylaxis of postpartum haemorrhage Adult: 200 mcg 3-4 times daily in the puerperium for 2-7 days. Intramuscular Treatment and prophylaxis of postpartum and postabortal haemorrhage Adult: 200 mcg. May repeat every 2-4 hr. Max: 5 doses. Intravenous Treatment and prophylaxis of postpartum and postabortal haemorrhage Adult: As an emergency measure: 200 mcg by slow inj over at least 1 minute, may repeat every 2-4 hr, up to a max of 5 doses.
Hypertension, eclamptic or previously hypertensive patients, heart disease, venoatrial shunts, mitral valve stenosis, obliterative vascular disease. Do not use in cases of threatened spontaneous abortion. Pregnancy.
Ergometrine causes contraction of the uterine muscle. At low doses, there is an increase in frequency and amplitude of contractions while at higher doses, the basal tone of the uterus is increased. Ergometrine also causes vasoconstriction of peripheral and cerebral vessels.
Captivation of the placenta may occur if given during the 2nd or 3rd stage of labour prior to delivery of the placenta; use in this situation should only be done by a qualified personnel. Avoid prolonged use. Caution in patients with sepsis, hepatic or renal impairment. Lactation.
Headache, dizziness, hallucinations; tinnitus; nausea, vomiting, foul taste, diarrhoea; hypertension, temporary chest pain, palpitations, bradycardia; nasal congestion, dyspnoea; diaphoresis; thrombophlebitis; haematuria; water intoxication; leg cramps; allergic reactions. Potentially Fatal: Shock.