


Generic Name:Busulphan





Chronic myeloid leukaemia, Bone marrow transplantation, Polycythemia vera, Essential thrombocythemia,


May be taken with or without food. Take w/ chilled liqd, ensure adequate fluid intake.

Adult Dose

Oral Palliative treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia Adult: 60 mcg/kg daily. Maintenance: 0.5-2 mg daily. Max: 4 mg daily. Polycythemia vera Adult: 4-6 mg daily continued for 4-6 wk with blood counts monitoring. Essential thrombocythemia Adult: 2-4 mg daily. Conditioning regimens for bone marrow transplantation Adult: 3.5-4 mg/kg daily in divided doses for 4 days up to a total dose of 14-16 mg/kg. Usually used with cyclophosphamide for ablation of recipient's bone marrow.


Pregnancy and lactation. Hypersensitivity.

Mode of Action

Busulfan reacts with N-7 position of guanosine and interferes with DNA replication and RNA transcription by alkylating and cross-linking the DNA strands.


Prior treatment with other myelosuppressive drugs, patients predisposed to seizures. May cause secondary malignancies (tumors, acute leukaemias, ovarian failure). Previous irradiation/therapy. Monitor blood counts carefully during therapy. Discontinue if lung toxicity develops.

Side Effect

GI symptoms, anorexia, wt loss, weakness, hyperpigmentation, amenorrhoea, cataracts, cough or hoarseness, impaired fertility and gonadal function, dry skin, liver damage, gynaecomastia. Potentially Fatal: Bone marrow depression manifesting as thrombocytopaenia, leucopaenia, anaemia. Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (known as "busulfan lung" on prolonged treatment).


Decreased clearance when used with cyclophosphamide and itraconazole. Increased clearance by phenytoin. May reduce response to vaccines, possibility of generalized infections with live vaccines. Combination with thioguanine results in oesophageal varices and abdominal liver function tests. Potentially Fatal: Cytotoxic agents may increase risk of pulmonary toxicity.

Alternative brand of Myleran