

Type:100ml bot

Generic Name:Iopamidol

Manufacturer:Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd.




Radiographic contrast medium for diagnostic procedures

Adult Dose

Angiography Cerebral Arteriography 300 mg/mL: 8-12 mL intra-arterial, may repeat, not to exceed 90 mL Coronary Arteriography 370 mg/mL: 2-10 mL IV; monitor EKG; not to exceed 200 mL Coronary Ventriculography 370 mg/mL: 25-50 mL IV; monitor EKG; not to exceed 200 mL Selective Visceral Arteriography 370 mg/mL: Up to 50 mL IV; not to exceed 225 mL Selective Visceral Aortography 370 mg/mL: Up to 50 mL IV; not to exceed 225 mL Computed Tomography CECT of the Head, Body 300 mg/mL: 100-200 mL IV; not to exceed 200 mL Urography Excretory Urography 300 mg/mL: 50 mL IV OR 370 mg/mL: 40 mL IV

Child Dose

Angiocardiography For 370 mg/mL: <2 years: 10-15 mL IV, not to exceed 40 mL total 2-9 years: 15-30 mL IV, not to exceed 50 mL (2-4 years) or 100 mL (5-9 years) 10-18 years: 20-50 mL IV, not to exceed 125 mL Computed Tomography CECT of the Head, Body 300 mg/mL: 1-3 mL/kg IV; not to exceed 30 g of iodine Urography Excretory Urography 300 mg/mL: 1-3 mL/kg IV; not to exceed 30 g of iodine


Not for intrathecal use.

Mode of Action

Iopamidol is a nonionic iodinated radiographic contrast medium. It allows visualisation of internal body structures by opacifying the path of its flow.


May inhibit blood coagulation. Multiple myeloma or other paraproteinaemia. Sickle-cell disease. Known or suspected phaeochromocytoma (monitor closely). Hyperthyroidism. Ensure adequate hydration. History of a previous sensitivity to a contrast medium, sensitivity to iodine, bronchial asthma, hay fever and food allergy. Monitor patients with CHF. Avoid angiography in patients with homocystinuria. Severe arterial or venous disease. Severe renal impairment, combined renal and hepatic disease or anuria, especially when large doses are used. Pregnancy and lactation. Lactation: Excretion into breast milk unknown; not recommended

Side Effect

Arrhythmias, arterial spasm, flushing, vasodilatation, angina, cardiopulmonary arrest; dizziness, confusion, paraesthesia, visual disturbances, seizure, paralysis, coma, temporary amnesia; inj site pain, pallor, periorbital and facial oedema; coughing, sneezing, rhinitis, asthma, apnoea, laryngeal oedema, chest tightness; watery itchy eyes, lachrymation, conjunctivitis; muscle spasm, involuntary leg movement; tremors, malaise; severe retching and choking, abdominal pain; urogenital pain, haematuria. Potentially Fatal: Severe anaphylactoid reactions.


Arrhythmias, arterial spasm, flushing, vasodilatation, angina, cardiopulmonary arrest; dizziness, confusion, paraesthesia, visual disturbances, seizure, paralysis, coma, temporary amnesia; inj site pain, pallor, periorbital and facial oedema; coughing, sneezing, rhinitis, asthma, apnoea, laryngeal oedema, chest tightness; watery itchy eyes, lachrymation, conjunctivitis; muscle spasm, involuntary leg movement; tremors, malaise; severe retching and choking, abdominal pain; urogenital pain, haematuria. Potentially Fatal: Severe anaphylactoid reactions.

Alternative brand of Lopidam

Amidol 370Amidol 370

  • 370mg/ml
  • Injection
  • Iopamidol

Price: ৳1318.00

Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Amidol 300Amidol 300

  • 300mg/ml
  • Injection
  • Iopamidol

Price: ৳1203.00

Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


  • 370mg/ml
  • Injection
  • Iopamidol

Price: ৳1321.96

Popular Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


  • 350mg/ml
  • Injection
  • Iopamidol

Price: ৳879.70

Popular Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Amidol 370Amidol 370

  • 370mg/ml
  • Injection
  • Iopamidol

Price: ৳2636.00

Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


  • 370mg/ml
  • Injection
  • Iopamidol

Price: ৳1260.00

Techno Drugs LTD.


  • 370mg/ml
  • Injection
  • Iopamidol

Price: ৳1318.53

Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


  • 370mg/ml
  • Injection
  • Iopamidol

Price: ৳2410.00

Techno Drugs LTD.

Amidol 300Amidol 300

  • 300mg/ml
  • Injection
  • Iopamidol

Price: ৳2407.00

Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


  • 300mg/ml
  • Injection
  • Iopamidol

Price: ৳1206.62

Popular Pharmaceuticals Ltd.