Fulvestrant Ever Pharma

Fulvestrant Ever Pharma250mg/5ml

Type:2's Pack

Generic Name:Fulvestrant

Manufacturer:ZAS Corporation




Metastatic breast cancer, in postmenopausal women w/ oestrogen-receptor positive tumours.

Adult Dose

Intramuscular Metastatic breast cancer in postmenopausal women with oestrogen-receptor positive tumours Adult: 500 mg (250 mg into each buttock) on days 1, 15, and 29, then once monthly thereafter. Moderate (Child-Pugh Class B): 250 mg (into 1 buttock) on days 1, 15, and 29, then once monthly thereafter. Severe: Contraindicated.

Renal Dose

Renal impairment Negligible amounts of fulvestrant are eliminated in urine In clinical trials, fulvestrant concentrations in women with eCrCl ?30 mL/min were similar to women with normal creatinine


Pregnancy and lactation.

Mode of Action

Fulvestrant competitively binds to oestrogen receptors, forming a nuclear complex, leading to down-regulation of oestrogen receptor protein levels and inhibition of tumour growth.


Patient w/ bleeding diatheses, thrombocytopenia. Admin at dorsogluteal inj site. Mild to moderate hepatic and severe renal (CrCl <30 mL/min) impairment.

Side Effect

>10% Nausea (26%) Asthenia (23%) Pain (19%) Vasodilatation (18%) Pharyngitis (16%) HA (15%) Back pain (14%) Constipation (13%) Vomiting (13%) Abd pain (12%) Diarrhea (12%) Inj site pain (11%) 1-10% Cough (10%) Anorexia (9%) Peripheral edema (9%) Chest pain (7%) Flu-like syndrome (7%) Rash (7%) Depression (6%) Fever (6%) UTI (6%) Anemia (5%) <1% Angioedema Leukopenia Myalgia Thrombosis Osteoporosis


Increased risk of bleeding when taken concomitantly w/ anticoagulants.

Alternative brand of Fulvestrant Ever Pharma