Cynomin H

Cynomin H1mg/ml


Generic Name:Hydroxocobalamin

Manufacturer:Jayson Pharmaceuticals Ltd.




Vitamin B12 deficiency, Cyanide poisoning

Adult Dose

Adult Intramuscular 30 mcg daily for 5 to 10 days followed by 100 to 200 mcg monthly.

Child Dose

Children Intramuscular 1 to 5 mg over a period of 2 or more weeks in doses of 100 mcg, then 30 to 50 mcg every 4 weeks for maintenance.


Hypersensitivity to any component of this medication.

Mode of Action

Vitamin B12 with hydroxyl group complexed to cobalt which can be displaced by cyanide resulting in cyanocobalamin that is renally excreted.


The validity of diagnostic vitamin B12 or folic acid blood assays could be compromised by medications, and this should be considered before relying on such tests for therapy. Vitamin B12 is not a substitute for folic acid and since it might improve folic acid deficient megaloblastic anemia, indiscriminate use of vitamin B12 could mask the true diagnosis. Hypokalemia and thrombocytosis could occur upon conversion of severe megaloblastic to normal erythropoiesis with B12 therapy. Therefore, serum potassium levels and the platelet count should be monitored carefully during therapy. Vitamin B12 deficiency may suppress the signs of polycythemia vera. Treatment with vitamin B12 may unmask this condition.

Side Effect

Mild transient diarrhea, itching, transitory exanthema, feeling of swelling of entire body, and anaphylaxis. A few patients may experience pain after injection of hydroxocobalamin.


history of interaction with ARI Sodium Iodide (I123) 1-12 MBq (sodium iodide i-123) ARI Sodium Iodide (I123) 100-750 MBq (sodium iodide i-123) arsenic trioxide Chloracol (chloramphenicol) chloramphenicol Chloromycetin (chloramphenicol) Chloromycetin Sodium Succinate (chloramphenicol) Hicon (sodium iodide-i-131) Iodotope (sodium iodide-i-131) sodium iodide i-123 sodium iodide-i-131 Trisenox (arsenic trioxide)

Alternative brand of Cynomin H